…through the eyes of a climate artist

by carterbrooks

of the roles of artists is to look at things differently. So, when I, as
 climate artist, look at the current global event, I don’t see a 
“problem,” for which there are “solutions.” I think civilization has a 
“situation,” or, as the kindred souls at the Dark Mountain Project put it recently, a 
“predicament.” It doesn’t imply solutions; it implies evolution. I 
don’t see a bunch of individuals not 
changing behavior. I see a civilizational organism metabolizing the earth’s 
stored energy. I see hundreds of millions of years of the earth’s 
stored photosynthesis risen up and animated at once in the form of a 
sort-of-industrial meta-being. With a big sugar pile that no one can 
guard. That’s not a problem that can just be solved. It, perhaps, 
implies a different sort of response.

For this reason, I like to talk about climate art as an art and a 
philosophy. The art is to come at the situation from a different angle.
 The philosophy, well, that’s a longer conversation…

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